


001 你要去哪裡 Where are you going?
002 你在做什麼 What are you doing?
003 這是怎麼回事 What's going on?
004 這是什麼東西 What is this?
005 現在幾點了 What time is it (now)?
006 今天星期幾 What day is it today?
007 你是哪裡人 Where are you from?
008 你住在哪裡 Where do you live?
009 今天是星期四 Today is Thursday.
010 為什麼 Why?
011 你從事什麼工作 What kind of work do you do?
012 我在一家百貨店工作 I work at a department store.
013 我是公司職員 I’m an office worker.
014 你說什麼 What did you say?
015 你能再說一遍嗎 Could you say that again?
016 你能說慢一點嗎 Could you speak a little bit slower?
017 這是什麼意思 What does this mean?
018 我聽不清你說什麼 I can’t hear you.
019 那個字怎麼讀 How do you read that character?  [ˋkærɪktɚ]
020 請在這兒寫一下,好嗎 Could you write it down here?
021 我可以問你一件事嗎 May I ask you something?
022 天氣不錯,不是嗎 Nice day, isn’t it?
023 開始下雨了 It’s starting to rain?
024 外面有點冷 It’s a little cold outside.
025 外面非常熱 It’s very hot outside.
026 今天很涼快,不是嗎 It’s cool today, isn’t it?
027 今天很暖和,不是嗎 It’s warm today, isn’t it?
028 對了, By the way,
029 讓我想想, Let me see,
030 比如說: For example:
031 你好 Hello.
032 早上好 Good morning.
033 晚上好 Good evening.
034 見到你很高興 Nice to meet you.
035 好久不見 Long time no see.
036 再見 Goodbye.
037 晚安 Good night.
038 下次見 See you again.
039 你過的怎麼樣 How are you doing?
040 和平時一樣 Same as usual.
041 我很好 I’m fine.
042 你現在忙嗎 Are you busy at the moment?
043 你工作忙嗎 Are you busy at work?
044 我很忙 I’m very busy.
045 真的嗎 Really?
046 是的 Yes.
047 不是 No.
048 不用了,謝謝 No, thank you.
049 你明白嗎 Do you understand?
050 我明白了 I understand.
051 我不明白 I don’t understand.
052 你知道嗎 Do you know it?
053 我知道 I know.
054 我不知道 I don’t know.
055 你現在在做什麼 What are you doing now?
056 您是誰 Who are you?
057 你的愛好是什麼 What are your hobbies?
058 我喜歡購物 I love shopping.
059 我最近一直在看YouTube I’ve been watching YouTube lately. 
060 我喜歡看電影 I like watching movies.
061 你喜歡什麼類型的電影 What kind of movies do you like?
062 我們一起去吧 Let’s go together.
063 你家有幾口人 How many people are there in your family?
064 我家有四口人 We are a family of four.
065 你有幾個姊妹 How many sisters do you have?
066 我有一個姊姊 I have one older sister.
067 你有男朋友嗎 Do you have a boyfriend?
068 我現在沒有男朋友 I don’t have a boyfriend now.
069 我可以看看嗎 Can I have a look?
070 好嗎 Okay?
071 你可以借我一把傘嗎 Can I borrow an umbrella?    [ʌmˋbrɛlə]
072 當然可以 Of course.
073 謝謝您 Thank you.
074 謝謝你的幫忙 Thank you for your help.
075 不客氣 You’re welcome.
076 我很抱歉 I’m sorry.
077 對不起,我遲到了 I’m sorry I’m late.
078 沒關係/不要緊 It’s okay. Never mind.
079 讓您久等了 Thank you for waiting.
080 你能幫幫我嗎 Can you help me?
081 我很樂意 With pleasure.    [ˋplɛʒɚ]
082 你有空嗎 Are you free?
083 對不起,我很忙 Sorry, I’m tied up.
084 你覺得怎麼樣 What do you think?
085 我也這麼認為 I think so, too.
086 我不這麼認為 I don’t think so.
087 我不感興趣 I’m not interested.
088 我同意 I agree.
089 我不同意 I disagree.
090 沒問題 No problem.
091 說的對 That’s right.
092 我羨慕你 I envy you.   [ˋɛnvɪ]
093 那太糟糕了 That’s too bad.
094 我很寂寞 I’m lonely.
095 我很擔心 I’m worried.
096 這讓我很生氣 It makes me angry.
097 我很驚訝 I was surprised.
098 這不是你的錯 It’s not your fault.    [fɔlt]
099 我理解你的感受 I understand how you feel.
100 不可能 No way!
101 你真是太好了 You are so kind!
102 太棒了 That’s great!
103 你很聰明 You’re smart!
104 那個髮型很漂亮 That hairstyle is nice!
105 恭喜你 Congratulations.    [kən͵grætʃəˋleʃənz]
106 對你有好處 Good for you.
107 我該怎麼辦呢 What should I do?
108 我會盡力的 I’ll do my best.
109 很高興收到你的來信 I’m glad to hear from you.
110 我期待著見到你 I’m looking forward to seeing you.
111 我餓了 I’m hungry.
112 我渴了* I’m thirsty.
113 我有點兒緊張 I’m a little nervous.     [ˋnɝvəs]
114 我累了 I’m tired.
115 我睏了 I’m sleepy.
116 我得走了 I have to go now.
117 你多大了 How old are you?
118 我今年32歲 I am 32 years old.    thirty-two
119 你餓嗎 Are you hungry?
120 我渴了* I am thirsty.
121 你想喝點什麼 Would you like something to drink?
122 你喜歡吃什麼 What is your favorite food?
123 我喜歡吃漢堡 My favorite food is hamburger.
124 沒錯 That’s right.
125 非常好 Very good.
126 不太好 Not so good.
127 我是從倫敦來的 I’m from London.
128 你去過加拿大嗎 Have you ever been to Canada before?
129 有會說英語的人嗎 Is there anyone who can speak English?
130 你好,我可以跟布朗先生通話嗎 Hello, may I speak to Mr. Brown?
131 我聽不清你說的話 I can’t hear you clearly.
132 你能說大聲點嗎 Could you speak a little louder?
133 您此行的目的是什麼 What is the purpose of your visit?
134 我是來觀光的 I’m here for sightseeing.    [ˋsaɪt͵siɪŋ]
135 我是來出差的 I’m here on business.
136 我要去這個地方 Please go to this place.
137 請在下一個紅綠燈右轉 Please ture right at the next traffic light.
138 請在這裡停車 Stop here, please.
139 你好,我預訂了一個房間 Excuse me, I have a reservation.  
140 我想退房 I’d like to check out.
141 我想去這裡 (with a map showing) I want to go here.
142 你要點菜嗎 May I take your order?
143 來兩份炸雞 Two fried chicken, please.
144 在這裡吃嗎 For here?
145 帶走 To go, please.
146 在這兒吃 For here, please.
147 有空位嗎 Are there any seats available?
148 請坐在這兒 Please have a seat here.
149 服務員,我想點菜 Excuse me, I’d like to order.
150 這不是我點的菜 This is not what I ordered.
151 來一杯紅酒 I’d like a glass of red wine.
152 乾杯 Cheers!
153 你喜歡嗎 Do you like it?(這道菜合你的胃口嗎)
154 很好吃 It’s delicious.
155 有點辣 It’s a little spicy.
156 又甜又好吃 It’s sweet and delicious.
157 味道清淡 It tastes bland.
158 味道很濃 It tastes strong.
159 你更喜歡哪個 Which do you like better?
160 我吃飽了 I’m full.
161 請結帳 Check, please.
162 我們AA制吧 Let’s split the bill.
163 可以刷卡嗎 Do you accept credit cards?
164 請給我開發票 Can I have a receipt?     [rɪˋsit]
165 我想去洗手間 I need to go to the bathroom.
166 洗手間在哪裡 Where is the restroom?
167 你在找什麼 Are you looking for something?
168 化妝品櫃台在哪裡 Where is the cosmetics section?  
169 我只是看看 I’m just looking.
170 我可以試穿一下嗎 Can I try it on?
171 有點緊 It’s a little tight.
172 太大了 It’s too large.
173 這個多少錢 How much is this?
174 太貴了 It’s too expensive.
175 你能給我更優惠的價格嗎 Can you give me a better price?
176 我要這個 I’ll take this.
177 收銀台在哪裡 Where is the cashier?
178 我想退貨 I’d like to return this.
179 這個壞了 This is broken.
180 你能給我換一下嗎 Can you exchange it?
181 我上不了網 I can’t get online.
182 不出熱水 There is no running hot water.
183 衛生間堵了 The toilet is clogged.    [klɑgd]
184 停電了 The power went out. 
185 請打掃一下我的房間 Please clean my room.
186 我想寄一個包裹 I’d like to send a parcel.    [ˋpɑrs!]
187 我想換錢 I’s like to exchange money.
188 自動取款機在哪裡 Where can I find an ATM?
189 這附近有公用電話嗎 Is there a pay phone around here?
190 你會說英語嗎 Do you speak English?
191 我的錢包被偷了 My wallet was stolen.    [ˋstolən]
192 我的護照丟了 I lost my passport.
193 我覺得噁心 I feel sick.
194 我發燒了 I have a fever.    [ˋfivɚ]
195 我頭疼 I have a headache.    [ˋhɛd͵ek]
196 這裡真的很疼 It really hurts here.
197 我想給大使館打個電話 I want to call the embassy.    [ˋɛmbəsɪ]
198 救命 Help!
199 放開我 Let me go!
200 我叫瑪莉.史密斯 My name is Mary Smith.


01 各位乘客們,下午好 Good sfternoon passengers. 
02 這是班機BD370飛往雪梨的預登機廣播 This is the pre-boarding announcement for flight BD370 to Sydney.
03 我們現在邀請那些有小孩的乘客(登機) We are now inviting those passengers with small children..
04 以及任何需要特別協助的乘客 and any passengers requiring special assistance,
05 現在開始登機 to begin boarding at this time.
06 請準備好您的登機牌護照 Please have your boarding pass and identification ready.
07 大約十分鐘後開始正式登機,謝謝 Regular boarding will begin in approximately ten minutes time. Thank you.
08 女士們,先生們 Ladies and gentlmen,
09 歡迎搭乘從東京飛往巴黎的CB700航班 welcome onboard Flight CB700 service from Tokyo to Paris.
10 我們目前排在弟三位準備起飛 We are currently third in line for take-off
11 預計大約七分鐘後起飛 and are expected to be in the air in approximately seven minutes time.
12 請您現在安全帶 We ask that you please fasten your seatbelts at this time.
13 固定所有行李 and secure all baggage
14 放置於座位下方或頭頂的行李櫃 underneath your seat or in the overhead compartments.
15 也請將坐位和餐桌在起飛前豎直 We also ask that your seats and table trays are in the upright position for take-off.
16 請關閉所有個人電子設備 Please turn off all personal electronic devices, 
17 包括筆記本電腦和手機 including laptops and cell phones.
18 飛行期間禁止抽菸 Smoking is prohibited for the duration of flight.
19 感謝您選搭ABC航空 Thank you for choosing ABC Airlines.
20 享受您的飛行 Enjoy your flight.
21 這是機長在說話 This is your captain speaking.
22 首先歡迎各位乘坐BD870航班 First I'd like to welcome everyone on ABC Flight BD870.
23 我們目前航行在3萬3千英呎 We are currently cruising at an altitude of 33,000 feet
24 為400英里 at an airspeed of 400 miles per hour.
25 時間是下午 1:25 The time is 1:25 pm.
26 天氣看起來很不錯,我們這邊有順風 The weather looks good and with the taiwind on our side..
27 我們預計大約提前15分鐘抵達倫敦 We are expecting to land in London approximately fifteen minutes ahead of schedule.
28 倫敦天氣晴朗 The weather in London is clear and sunny
29 今天下午最高溫是25 with a high 25 degrees for this afternoon.
30 如果天氣合作的話 If the weather cooperates 可挖盆雷
31 我們可以飽覽城市的景色 we should get a great view of the city.
32 空服人員大約20分鐘後到 The cabin crew will be coming around in about twenty minutes..
33 是時候為你們準備點心飲料 time to offer you a light snack and beverage, 杯for綠橘
34 飛機上的電影很快就會開始 and the inflight movie will begin shortly after that.
35 在我們到達目的地前再聊 I'll take to you again before we reach our destination. 黛絲題內選
36 在那之前,做好,放鬆 Until then, sit back, relax
37 享受接下來的飛行 and rest of the flight.
38 我們馬上就提供早餐.午餐.晚餐.三明治 We will soon be serving breakfast/lunch/dinner/sandwich
39 放下你的小桌板 Please put down your seat table.
40 如果您有特殊飲食要求 If you have special diet requirement,
41 請告訴機艙服務員 please tell the cabin attendants.
42 我們將提供茶.咖啡.啤酒.紅酒和其它 We will offer you a choice of tea,coffee,beer,wines and other soft drinks.
43 希望你能喜歡,謝謝 Hope you could enjoy these. Thank you.
44 機長已開啟好安全帶的標誌 The Captain has turned on the fasten seat belt sign.
45 我們正穿越一個亂流 We are now crossing a zone of turbulence.
46 請回到座位,繫好安全帶 Please return to your seats and keep your seat belts fastened.
47 我們剛降落在ABC機場 We have just landed at ABC Airport.
48 外面的溫度是攝氏25, 華氏77度 The outside temperature is 25 degrees Cenrigrade.77 Fahrenheit.
49 抱歉,由於氣候惡劣,航班延誤 We apologize for the delay of today's flight because of the bad weather.
50 在飛機完全好前,請繫好安全帶 Please keep your seatbelt fastened till the plane comes to complete standstill.
51 提醒您下飛機時帶上隨身物品 And we may remind you to take all your belongings when you disembark.
52 入境手續將在航廈完成辦理 Entry formalities will be completed in the terminal building.
53 歡迎搭乘我們的航班 We thank you for flying with us
54 希望再次與您歡樂相聚 and hope to have the pleasure of being with you again.
55 為您講解救生衣使用方法 We would like to explain about the use of the life vests.
56 空中小姐示範如何穿救生衣 A stewardess will demonstrate how to put on the life vest.
57 請在他/她示範後,做同樣的事 Please do the same sfter his/her demonstration.
58 救生衣位於您座位下面 The life vest is located under your seat.
59 紅色帶子可以把它拉出來 Take it out by pulling the red tape.
60 穿背心時,把它套在頭上 To put the vest on, slip it over your head.
61 然後,繫緊扣帶,把帶子拉 Then, fasten the buckles and pull the straps tight around your waist.
62 出飛機前,不要把救生衣充氣 Do not inflate your lifejacket until you are outside of the aircraft.
63 飛機停止後 After the airplane comes to stop,
64 依照空服員指示 the instructions from the cabin attendant,
65 立刻將背心充氣 immediately inflate the vest..
66 離開飛機前,用力拉下一個膨脹標籤 by pulling one of the inflation tabs strongly before leaving the aircraft.
67 大家注意聽一下 May I have your attention please?
68 機上有一位生病的乘客 There is a sick passenger on board.
69 如果機上有醫生或護士的話.. If there is a doctor or a nurse on this flight..
70 立刻緊急按鈕跟我們聯繫 would you please contact us by pressing the call button immediately.


誰能幫我搬一下這個箱子 Who can help me move this box?
那個穿藍色衣服的女孩是誰 Who is that girl in blue?
我們什麼時候可以去遠足 when can we go hiking?
什麼時候回來的 when did you come back?
洗手間在哪裡 where is the washroom?
能在哪裡找到瓶裝水 where can I find some bottle water?
為什麼辭職 why did/do you quit your job?
你們是怎麼認識的 how did you get to know each other?
喝杯咖啡怎麼樣 how about having a cup of coffee?
怎樣才能修好我的手機 how can I fix my cellphone?
你最喜歡的顏色是什麼 what's your favorite color?
正在什麼 what are you looking for?






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